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CAKEMOJI – Emoji Poop Cupcakes

You might remember last month I was lusting over the ‘Cakemoji‘ book by Jenni Powell, and I was going to bake some Poop Emoji ? Cupcakes. Well this weekend, it happened, I finally got around to it!

Bake bake bake

The recipe is simple to follow and measurements come in imperial and metric (WOOHOO!) and they taste absolutely amazing. I had to improvise with a couple of things, I used milk chocolate chips instead of dark chocolate and instead of mixing black fondant as the weather was extremely melty, I chose to paint the eyes with a brush. Kudos Miss Powell! I can’t wait to try out some of the other recipes!

Order your book here: Cakemoji

cakemojiWhat do you think my next bake should be? Tweet me: @xxmissbirdyxx #bakemoji